So, I'm one of those people who LOVES, just LOVES to do things for others and watch smiles be put on their faces. That's why when God showed me/told me that I needed to revamp my creative business, I didn't argue with Him at all!!
You see, I also LOVE to be creative. It's almost more of a stress relief to create things for others than it is to go running or exercise in general.
I love to be creative with my baking (I'm more of a baker than a cook).
It took me stepping out of my comfort zone to make both this pirate and the crane cake. I like to be more a 'paint by numbers' decorator not so much a free hand decorator.
I love to be creative with paper as well. I LOVE to create something that is a representative to a family. For example: the pink daisy announcement represents a client whose baby, Savannah, was born straight into the arms of Jesus. The three daisies represent her, her husband, and their son Jaythan. The butterfly represents, Savannah.
The Ladybug card is for a friend who wanted to announce the adoption of their daughter, Kaiya from China. The large daisy represents, daddy - Russ. The medium size daisy represents mom - Angel, and the small daisies represent all three girls together - Zoe, KK, and Kaiya becoming sisters.
I'm not sure where else one could find a place to really put so much TLC in the things that are made for them.
Well, last weekend, Nov 13, Perryn and I went to a Holiday Open House. We sold bookmarks, Christmas cards, raffle tickets, and cupcakes. You can find out how Perryn was a special part of the Open House
here and how our table did
here. I had agreed to do the Open House to help fundraise, then I felt I was getting too stressed, so I tried to back out. Well, God knew what he wanted me to do. Perryn and I went to the Open House and we sold, what God wanted us to sell. Here's the COOLEST part about the whole thing. Even though I walked out of there at the end of the day with approximately $250 of profit in my purse, I really only made $9. How you ask?
Well, I got to write 3 checks. Two went to Children's
HopeChest for part of their "Change their Story" campaign that we are kind of doing, but in a more unique way. But I also got to write a check to a family who is using me to fundraise for their adoption in Russia. Here's what she said on facebook:
"Oh, my goodness!!! You are beyond amazing!! I just opened my mail, and have not stopped crying! I had no idea you were selling Christmas Cards at that event to raise money for us and the adoption!! I am overwhelmed with gratitude and love for your servant's heart that is so full of God's love!!! Love you!! So grateful for you!"
This made my day. Not because I was looking for any glory, but because my HUMAN side wanted to keep more than just $9 from that day. For about 2 minutes I struggled with the profit I made, because I have NEVER made that much profit at one time with my little business. But, I quickly was reminded by God that HE wanted
me to bless
others. That's why I have been blessed with the talents that He has given me. It was a really cool feeling to mail those three checks....almost a surreal feeling.
I know, it's taboo to talk about faults and I kind of feel like I'm 'bragging' about what happened last week, but I'm not trying to do that. I want you to know that their are several causes (adoption/orphans and Child Trafficking/sex slaves) that are close to my heart and I am so glad that God has blessed me with ways to help them out. To help make a difference to others. This is our way of beginning to celebrate Advent this year. Instead of focusing on just us, I want our family to really focus on giving and blessing others.

My voice is really small, because it's only one, but I need YOUR help to make my voice a little bit louder. Please help me spread the word about a giveaway that I'm hosting. There are 11 DIFFERENT ways you can enter it to win a handmade Advent calendar PLUS 4 books signed by Tom Davis, CEO of Children's HopeChest. Will you please help me spread the word,and enter the giveaway? So, please hop on over
here and find out how YOU can enter this giveaway a WHOPPING 11 times. You don't have to purchase anything if you don't want to, but please look around and help spread the word for my giveaway. Many thanks and blessings.