Aka: Training update.
I come to you in TEARS today. These are tears of joy and not pain. As many of you know, I will be running the Chosen Adoption 1/2 marathon in approximately 8 1/2 weeks, October 23rd. When I launched my sponsorship 4 1/2 weeks ago, I wasn't sure I would make my goal of $2500 to help rescue girls through The Indian Rescue Mission. Well, let me let you in on a little secret....GOD DOES BIG THINGS!!!
As far as training, my body is still learning and getting accustomed to running further than 2 miles (2 miles is the MOST I ran at a time in High School 15 years ago.) I've gotten sick a time or two, but I've pushed through and persevered. I've been tweaking my training to make sure that I can run 13.1 miles to the best of my ability. I've learned that training for a 1/2 marathon is not only a physical thing, but there is also a mental training that takes place as well. You see after I got sick the first time I ran 5 miles, I was hesitant to try again. The second time I ran 5 miles wasn't quite as bad, but I really only made it 4.5 miles and then I had to walk the last 1/2 mile. This Saturday, I'm supposed to run 6 miles and before Monday, I was REALLY nervous, but now I know I can do it...I'm taking 1 mile at a time, taking a water break (walking for 30-60 secs) and then running some more. This is going to be the BEST way for me to finish and run 13.1 miles on Saturday, October 23rd. I'm training my body to race in this way.
Now, sponsorships. Here's the deal. I did NOT know how much of a goal I needed to set. I have NOT done a lot of 'campaigning' to get more sponsorships. What I have done is blogged and mass emailed. I sent emails to EVERYONE (or almost everyone)in my address books (I've got three of them) and I've blogged. I've been curious as to how much has been raised over the past 4 1/2 weeks, but because of office move taking place, Children's HopeChest and I have been playing phone/email tag. Well, last night I was able to "speak" to someone about how much has been donated for The Indian Rescue Mission so far. MY goal is $2500, but God's goal is MUCH MORE. I've been praying and praising God that according to yesterday's figure, The Indian Rescue Mission is going to be able to rescue 6. Here's the thing....God is NOT done.... So far $9011 has been raised through different avenues (including, but not limited to my sponsorship) at Children's HopeChest to benefit The Indian Rescue Mission.
To all of you who have already donated to my sponsorship, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I don't think God is done yet. With 8 1/2 more weeks left until my race, I now come to you to help me spread the word. Let's see if we can DOUBLE or even TRIPLE this amount. Help me raise $18,000-$27,000.
Will you please help me spread the word? Twitter, blogs, facebook, word of mouth, at work, at church, to friends and family.
This is ALL GOD, not me. I'm just following HIS instructions and watching HIM do HIS work and I want to give HIM ALL THE GLORY!!!