So, I have been following Amy for several months now and just love how she has surrendered her ENTIRE LIFE to God and how He is using her and blessing her and her family's socks off. The question was asked this week in our lecture at BSF "Are we willing to give up what it would truly cost to be used by God?" I couldn't answer that question on Wed, and right now I feel God speaking to me and asking some VERY hard questions. Amy has, she knows what it is truly costing to give everything up to be used by God, and I am truly in awe of her! I pray that, I too, one day can be standing in a position to say, "Yes, I have surrendered EVERYTHING TO GOD.
As many of you know, I give 30% of ALL of my sales to the Red Letters Campaign to help them with the "Launch Ethiopia Project" to get orphans and orphanages sponsored in that country. Well, for the month of October, my 30% will be going to Amy's baby shower as she and her family welcome 5 new children into her home in the next few weeks. This is a great time to order Christmas Cards since we have just a couple of months before it gets here. I am working on a small wait list, but it's not too long. Please help me help Amy as she needs to get LOTS of things to welcome these cuties into her home!! To place an order head over to my card site.
If you would rather just make a donation to Amy's virtual baby shower, please go here. The following is a post from my buddy, Angel's blog to let you know exactly what we are doing for Amy and her family. Please read on and help us at least praying for all the details to fall into place as smoothly as possible!! Thanks and big hugs to you all.
Some blogger buddies and I are hosting a virtual baby shower for my friend Amy. YOU are invited. If you would like to participate or help host the shower then read away! We are glad you came. :0) Amy could really use our help and support. I hope we can all let her know how much we care.-
My dear friend Amy is expecting 5 babies.... Yes you read that correctly. FIVE! Nope- no typos. She is expecting 5!!! The due date is projected to be 4-6 weeks from today and she just found out she was going to have 5 more babies 2 days ago. :0) AMAZING! You think THAT is amazing??? Wait till you hear this...
she already has 7 children at home. Oh yeah. Now we are talking. Now she will add 5 more beautiful babies to their family.
Now this family needs 5 more beds, 5 more car seats, 5 more dressers, 5 more seats at the table, clothes for 5 more, etc. etc. And no, they have no idea what they are going to drive! The new kiddo's are a sibling group of five coming to them through the foster system -but they are no longer foster children because this precious family is adopting them. They are ages 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.
Recently I blogged about my visit with Amy and her precious family here and here. Here is some of what I said about her...... Next it was off to see my dear friend Amy. Amy is one of the best things that has happened from my blog adventure. Amy started following my blog back when I was in process with Zoe. She had 4 tummy kids and 1 adoption under her belt at that point. 
She basically liked my blog cause she thought I was fun and a maybe just a little CRAZY cause I was adopting older..... UNTIL...... God told her she should adopt an older child. LOL!!! So she e-mailed me and an amazing friendship was born.
She went on to adopt the wonderful Mya and now sweet K. I, of course, have added Zoe and Kaiya. This year I got to go on an amazing mission trip to Eagle's Nest Orphanage in Guatemala with her.
I just love this lady. I KNOW God sent her to me! She is such a support to me. I learn so much from Amy. I truly admire the way she parents her children. She is a Proverbs 31 type of woman. I was in awe spending the night in her home. She has 7 children and her home is peaceful and fun and pleasant. Her children are so sweet! They are amazing.
SO THAT'S MY FRIEND AMY!!!! The number of children blessed to have her as a mother are now 12!
Not everyone has the gifts to mother 12 children. Not everyone can be a teacher or president or run a bulldozer. We all have certain skills. Amy has the skills to have a large family. God has gifted her with 12... Twelve children who are loved and safe and happy together.
12 is a good number... don't you think? After knowing Amy I know this is her gift- being a mother.
Some people don't like twelve. They say it's too many. I celebrate that Amy has such a grace and courage in the gifts God has given her. I celebrate the lives she has changed by surrendering her own life to serve others.
12 is great! 12 can be handy!

What would she ever cut out to make her life easier?

Is there anything or anyone she would leave out? Heaven forbid!

Life isn't always easy-

it can even get down right messy!
What makes it worth living???
Looking back and seeing this.....
Looking out on a field and seeing this.... Soooo I think for Amy.... 12 is AWESOME!
So, Amy and crew, the next time some sad little person asks you WHY you would EVER want to adopt 5 more kids...
You just say, "Look, for us it's not about more kids."
"For us it's about more people to love!"
Plus tell em' to hush up or they will have to deal with me. Ya' KNOW how tough I am! ;0)
I know that not everyone celebrates our adoptions the same way they do pregnancies. I know some people don't see the 12th child the same way they saw the first. We KNOW that's not at all God's view. God celebrated each of your babies before the world began. We know that and we are REJOICING with you and with them. I can hardly wait to meet them.
So for everyone who wants to celebrate with Amy would you consider donating a gift of money to help them get started with these 5 new kids? I have placed a Pay Pal donate button on the top right hand corner of my blog. It's SUPER easy. Just push the donate now button. I will send every penny I collect to Amy.
I considered a gift card or buying gifts but I know that Amy is so thrifty that she will make the money go farther than I ever could! Let's help them out! Thanks for coming to our virtual shower. Make sure you leave Amy a comment below to give her new kiddos a shout out!
Hugs, Angel
PS Please feel free to spread the word on your blog and use this post in part or in whole. You can help host our virtual baby shower!
Check out Holly's blog. She is my co-host and started the idea of getting this going ASAP.... Precious! Thank you for helping me get this together Holly.