So this is what our living room looked like when we went to bed on Christmas Eve night. I got the idea of putting each child's presents on a couch from Caroline. I can't remember her reasons, but I did it last year and so we did it again this year.

Our Christmas tree, it's small this year....we had no room, but that will be different next year as we are in our new apartment in Round Rock!!!!

Here the children are opening presents this year!!! They really like everything they got, and we worked really hard to remember that it's not about presents, but Jesus' birthday. I think next year we will make him a cake or something. This year for the first time, we are going to have to exchange stuff too. Perryn's princess Ariel doll is already breaking and so is Teagan's tool box. I also realized this morning that Perryn's new sparkley pink shoes are too small, but we have already thrown away the tags. oops. Grammy sent us some really COOL gifts, but forgot the batteries, so we have to go get some of those as well. What an eventful and unforgettable day!!!