Please go check out my new and improved Cake blog. Please notice the new name as well as the additions to my cake business. I am really excited about this next step and have been really looking at a way to incorporate all my 'craftiness' into a business and blessing others with my skills. Thanks.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
I so LOVE my new toy......
I also got to get a die cut machine last week. I am slowly using my coupons to Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and Joann Fabrics to build up my embossing and die cut inventory. Here is the card I made to go with the baby book I made a few weeks ago. Gabe and I are seriously talking about being able to extend my cake business to include handmade crafts such as cards as well. Please keep checking the cake blog to see what and when we get everything decided. I can't wait!!!
Posted by elizabeth engelhardt cards and creations at 4:23 PM 3 Enjoyed the Post
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
A day to be unplugged
So, as I was checking the blogs this morning, my friend Shannon had posted a challenge to be 'unplugged' today and be creative. To turn off the tv, phones, computers and be creative. At first, I wasn't sure when we could do this challenge, but as I was commenting on her blog, I realized we could do it today. To help us out with staying home, Perryn didn't get dressed. She has just been in her panties only all day....we stayed home for sure.
Anyways, first off this morning, the children did some painting, I still had to get the laundry done and lunch cooked before I could really get into my creative day. Once I got going, I took off. I got 20 thank you cards done as a baby gift. I still need to go get the envelopes and take care of them, but the thank yous are done. Here are some pictures of our fun creative day....

Posted by Elizabeth at 7:18 PM 2 Enjoyed the Post
A weekend of friends and family
So on Saturday evening we went to South Austin to see my great-aunt and uncle and their two children and one granddaughter. They had come in from Huntington Beach California for a few days to visit with my great-uncle's mother. Rebekah and Mark had Addison in May, they are expecting a new baby in June of this year. This was the first time any of us got to meet Addison and see everyone since Rebekah and Mark's wedding 5 years ago.
Then on Sunday afternoon after church we were invited to lunch and fun at some very dear friends of ours in Leander. Donnie and his son Matt, sang in our wedding. Donnie was also our College and Career Sunday School teacher right after we graduated high school and before we got married. I keep joking with Gabe that Donnie and his family are treating us like the 'prodigal' children who have returned home. They have been so gracious and loving to us for the past 13 years and we are so grateful to get to see them more often now.

Posted by Elizabeth at 6:48 PM 1 Enjoyed the Post
Monday, February 18, 2008
I've been tagged....
So, my friend Shannon has tagged me to let you know a little bit more about myself. So here it goes....
We had just moved to Dallas on Valentine's Day. So, I was busy unpacking and working at Foley's (aka:Macy's now). Our first apartment was off of Royal Ln on Manderville Ln. We did NOT live there longer than 6 months....we were what one would call living in the ghetto!!
Things on my to-do list today:
Wash, fold, and put away ALL the laundry, grocery store, a run to Joann Fabrics to use my President's day coupon on some clearance Cuddlebug die cuts and embossing templates, run to Walmart to get meds, gym for spinning class, bathe my children, cook dinner.
What would I do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:
We would tithe the first 10%, pay off the debt, fund the college funds, buy a house, put some in savings, and help the 'building' fund at The Village Church, and then give some away to be determined at a later date.
Three of my bad habits:
I am a bit of procrastinator...I think I am getting a bit better though. I have a hard time with follow through when it comes to reading some books, sticking with a specific 'discipline game plan' for the children. And not fretting or 'worrying' about things that are not in my control.
Five jobs I have had:
1. Waitress at the Olive Garden.
2. Assistant Bridal Consultant at Foley's.
3. Special Ed Teacher in LISD...ick
4. Childcare worker at Lifetime Fitness
5. Bagger and Checker at HEB grocery store
Five things people don't know about me:
1. I got a 64o TOTAL on my SATs...I know what you are thinking, "Surely that is just the math section or the verbal section", but no it is the TOTAL SCORE.
2. My elementary PE teacher is now my mother-in-law.
3. I have received the Gold Award in Girl Scouts, which is equivalent to the Eagle Scout award in Boy Scouts. I removed 6 ft of concrete at my high school and put in a wheel chair ramp. The ramp is still there, but they moved a bit when they remodeled the high school gym.
4. I gained 60 pounds each time I was pregnant! I am still working on losing the last 15 pounds I gained with Perryn.
5. I helped my dad one fall umpire a high school baseball game. I think I was a senior in high school and he passed me off as a college freshman because the other umpire didn't show up. My dad had to put his hand on his head and point to the actual position I needed to stand in before the game could go on.
Ok, so now I tag Kristen T., Caroline, Lauren, Rebekah, Natalie, Kristyn H, and Keri
Posted by Elizabeth at 3:55 PM 2 Enjoyed the Post
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Another new business adventure???
So I don't know if this will do justice to my newest creation, but I thought it would be the easiest way for me to show you all the pages without having to take individual pictures of each page.
Anyways, this is a baby book that I constructed for our friends and their new baby, Miles. I still have the gift, so I am taking a chance that she won't see it here first. I tried to take some of the cute baby pictures off her blog , but they did NOT come out very well at all, so I was only able to use the one my godparents emailed to me.So, again as with the cake business...would you purchase this item or something similar for a friend or loved one? I am also thinking about making cards like a 'box set' of cards that you could get at Current that would have some sympathy, birthday, anniversary, just because, thank you, etc. Just let me know what you think. Thanks.
Posted by Elizabeth at 9:19 AM 2 Enjoyed the Post
So, here they FINALLY are, the pictures of our new digs. This is just the downstairs, because I keep forgetting to take the camera upstairs and take pictures up there. I will get to it eventually.Yes, I have an ISLAND in my kitchen!! Woohoo. I am doing very well to keep our new place picked up and tidy. Seems weird that I had such a hard time to do that with our smaller apartments. oh well.
Just so you know the apartment we left in Lewisville was 1075 sq ft and this one around 1400 sq ft. Both bedrooms and a built in desk are upstairs.
Posted by Elizabeth at 9:12 AM 1 Enjoyed the Post
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day
So here is what Perryn and I came downstairs to this morning:Perryn got the monkey and a note, I got the red card. They were so delicately propped up against our centerpiece on our dining table. I know that Gabe and I sometimes have a hard time seeing eye to eye on all things of this world, but we have never doubted our love for each other.
My dad took me on a 'date' last night. It was the first one I think I have been on with him since before we got married. We would go on them all the time when I was in high school and college. And true to his nature, he only gave me a couple hours notice that the date was taking place. I enjoyed the time I had with him, my mom babysat, and I got to hear about his passion for his area food pantry that he heads up in Giddings.
But this morning, to find a sweet and silly Valentine's card on my dining table from Gabe made this a very memorable and good way to start the day. My love language is gifts and as much I LOVE to GIVE gifts, I also like to get them periodically and the more sporadic and unpredictable when they come the more I feel loved. So, on this insane day that has been commercialized for everyone to 'show' their love, I feel the most loved just by getting a sweet card from my handsome husband. It's hard to believe that in 5 weeks we will be married for 11 YEARS!!!
Happy Valentine's Day aka: Happy LOVE day!!
Posted by Elizabeth at 10:41 AM 0 Enjoyed the Post
Monday, February 11, 2008
A love story...
For those of you who don't know, I am a romantic at heart. As I watch in awe of how God is continually showing his presence to Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth Rose I find that the love story that Nate and Tricia are telling everyone is one of true love and God's ultimate grace and beauty for us as humans. I think I will have to get mine composed so that I can share it with you in the next month as Gabe and I celebrate our 11th anniversary.
I am not sure how long Tricia and Nate have been married, but they are in the fight for her life right now. Please go check out their story and continue to lift them up in your daily prayers. To really understand how fragile life is, but really know God's great and awesome power is to relate to this lovely family.
Posted by Elizabeth at 8:53 PM 0 Enjoyed the Post
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Perryn's Birthday
So today is Perryn's 4th birthday and we celebrated in official Little Mermaid style. She was very worried once we moved to Round Rock that she would NOT have any friends at her party; however, little did she know that Gabe and I still have some friends here that now have children of their own. I think she had a blast!!
We hosted the party here at our new apartment and we were able to have everyone in with a little space to spare!!! It was fun to host our first big thing in our new place. Check out the fun. Of course, I did make the cake. Go here to see it! I think it came out REALLY good.

Happy Birthday, Noodle. Daddy, Teagan, and I love you a lot!
Posted by Elizabeth at 3:57 PM 4 Enjoyed the Post
Thursday, February 7, 2008
In Honor of Perryn....
With Perryn's birthday coming up on Saturday, I thought I would let you know what took place around this time 4 years ago. I wrote out her birthing story as soon as we got home from the hospital and it's now in her baby book. Here's what happened, enjoy.
Due Date:
Posted by Elizabeth at 8:26 AM 1 Enjoyed the Post