So for the last 30 years, my grandmother has been called 'Mawmaw' by ALL 7 of her grandchildren and her first great-granddaughter. She often found it funny when Perryn was first learning to talk to tell her what each our first names are, so that Perryn would turn around and use them. It worked, before we knew it Perryn would call us 'Gabe', 'Elizabeth', even 'Gene' (or Pawpaw). She would even put our first names into sentences. I think the best one ever is "Eat your breakfast, Gene" that she would hear repeated at Mawmaw and Pawpaw's house when we would go for a visit. I taught her to say 'Barbara' so that the tables could be turned.
Well, here's what has happened after 30 years of being Mawmaw or Grandma, she is now "Rahrah". Being closer to family I now get to go help out my grandparents when I can, and yesterday I got to go bless them by cleaning their house. 'Rahrah' entertained Perryn and Teagan. I am not sure how all of it came about, but I do know that 'Rahrah' gets a bit jealous that ALL the small children in the family seem to migrate to Pawpaw. Yesterday was no exception for Teagan. As she was trying to get him to say Mawmaw or something because all he was saying is Pawpaw, out came 'Rahrah', she took it as him trying to say Barbara. Now to make this story and this name stick even MORE, Teagan saw their picture hanging in his room today and immediately pointed out Pawpaw. I asked him who else was in the picture and he stated, 'Rahrah'. So I officially think that Mawmaw's name has now been changed to 'Rahrah' for now and til the end of times. Who knew it would change after 30 years?
Here's to you Rahrah. We love you!!!
Rahrah and Teagan playing the piano.
Rahrah and Perryn playing Barbies.